lunedì 16 dicembre 2013

His majesty THE PIG

There are aromas and flavors that inevitably bring us back to those memories of the past, as when  in the peasant families the processing of pork meat was a ritual that fused party and efforts, creating convivial atmosphere that brought together family members and neighbors.
An ancient ritual that is lost in the mist of time. The slaughtering of the pig was for centuries a village festival celebrating the guarantee of having a lot of food reserves for lean times:  long tables with friends and family, the fire to boil or roast  the sausages, the precious salami, ham, bacon,  capocolli and above all lard that would be used to give flavor and substance, in the remaining months of the year.
The smell of ham and salami stored on sticks to season,  mixed with the greaves and the sizzle of sausages and ribs on the grill of the chimney are still memories. Poor cooking? Sure, but is that which has accompanied our grandmothers and our mothers, and despite encoded as "the flavors of the old kitchen" always comes to the limelight like an indisputable tradition and from the north to the south of Italy, cooked with different methods and flavors,  is available in dozens of delicious recipes.
There are many farms and supply chains that principally breed  the pork and its meat, fresh or preserved, falls within the everyday consumer. Just think of a ham sandwich or salami, of a plate of pasta Amatriciana or sausages on the grill .....
do not throw away anything of the pig”.  A phrase heard it a thousand times, but if we stop for a moment, we realize that this is so: their bodies are used almost entirely:  meat, fat, skin, and also the bristles.
Its fat is a great natural lubricant with protective and softening properties. Its skin, once  processed, is used to make durable bags leather or belts. With the bristles are manufactured paintbrushes and brushes…

We take for granted we buy seasoned cold cuts and deboned and portioned meat, but always with  a commitment to read labels in the grocery store or get informed  about the origin and processing of products.
The use of pork is complete at 360 ​​degrees: appetizers, soups, sauces,  omelettes,  grilled, roasted…  let's not forget the sausages... Beyond the traditional recipes, meat pork goes very well with all the vegetables and fruits, so plenty of room for imagination !!!

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